April 18 - April 21 2025

Easter falls on the first Weekend following the first full moon after the spring equinox on March 21, the time of year when the length of day and night are equal. Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday thus wander between March and April. Consequently the date can vary from year to year up to a few weeks.
Easter is celebrated in the Ruhr Metropolis as well as all other regions of Germany by both protestant and catholic churches. A highly religious tradition surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the tradition surrounding fertility reaches back to pagan rites.
Whilst most believe in the Easter bunny, some enjoy eating chocolate Easter eggs, yet others love to colour real chicken laid ones. They can be pierced and hollowed out or previously boiled. In this country, there is a long-standing ritual of hiding eggs for children to search for. The smiles and raucous laughter of happy kids are legendary.
By Vincent Green, Jan 2 2022

Many open spaces entice hikers into the surrounding countryside. Try heading out to wonderful hillsides and woodlands or reclaimed industrial areas. The Ruhr region also offers pathways and trail around impressive lakes or former important waterways.

Art venues and museums across the Ruhr Metropolis regularly present selections of their own fine pieces in well arranged exhibitions. Regular exhibits of fascinating or rare artworks on loan from across the globe attract large numbers of enthusiasts too.
Welcome to the Ruhr
The Ruhr metropolis offers wide swathes of woodlands, dozens of rivers as well as over fifty cities, towns, villages and municipalities. Each is unique. Many urbanisations offer a lively atmosphere just waiting to be experienced by expats.