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Things to do


Diverse and industrialised. These are the two main characteristics of the Ruhr Metropolis that come together in the landscape of local museums. And reflected throughout is not just the development from the last one hundred and fifty years but the decentralised structure of the region that developed along the lifeline of the river Ruhr.

While many venues focus on art, other institutions treat themes of specific industries such as beer in Dortmund or mining in Bochum. More than two hundred locations can be visited within the boundaries of the region. Many offer expats a great excuse to spend quality time outdoors.




Art venues and museums in Düsseldorf
regularly present selections of fine pieces
in well arranged exhibitions.
Regular exhibits also include fascinating
or rare works from across the globe.

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Some events pop up only briefly.
Many activities are small or unique.
Such occurrences are published in this
source of surprise and discovery.

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