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December 6 2025

Boots in front of door

Saint Nicholas Day, Nikolaustag, is traditionally celebrated on December 6 in honour of Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children. And also students, merchants, archers, sailors, fishermen, pawnbrokers, thieves and the falsely accused! Saint Nicholas was Bishop of Myra in southern Anatolia, and became well known for his good deeds in the fourth century AD.

Across the Ruhr Metropolis and the whole of Germany children place shoes, boots or a plate in front of their bedroom door late on the evening of December 5. A long and popular tradition tells us that if they have been kind or well behaved then sweets or small gifts will be left overnight by the mysterious Saint Nicholas.

In some catholic areas of Germany a man dressed as a bishop travels from house to house. Similar customs can also be found in US cities with strong German influence like Milwaukee, Cincinnati, St. Louis or Columbus.

By Vincent Green, Jan 2 2022

Image of popcorn


Original language movies are popular among expats living across the Ruhr Metropolis. Films are screened regularly in English original with subtitles, known as OmU and without, portrayed as OV. A wide variety of cinemas or movie theatres can be found, both large and small.




Several individuals have in the past
made notable contributions to German
and world culture or played
an important role in history.

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It’s an old cliché but many foreigners
wonder about German sense of humour.
Their joviality is indeed strong, unique
and yes, Germans love to laugh.

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