Juicy Beats in the Ruhr Metropolis
July 25 - July 26 2025

True to its name, each of the several stages of the music festival in the Westfalenpark Dortmund in the Ruhr Metropolis is named after a fruit. A unique atmosphere awaits spectators and participants with a huge range of artists and performers.
This true open air extravaganza presents 100 DJs and 50 live bands on 14 floors and 6 stages over 2 days. As well as a delicious variety of food that is on offer.
Story Vincent Green, Jan 2 2022
Popmodern Veranstaltungs GmbH
Güntherstrasse 65
44143 Dortmund
+49 231 138 4259

The public transport system in Ruhr is extensive, safe and normally efficient. A dense network of trams above and below ground as well as buses serve the cities and suburbs. Links via the local and S-Bahn train systems interconnect many neighbouring communities.

Original language movies are popular among expats living across the Ruhr Metropolis. Films are screened regularly in English original with subtitles, known as OmU and without, portrayed as OV. A wide variety of cinemas or movie theatres can be found, both large and small.
Socialising in the Ruhr
Staying in touch and getting together with others living in a similar situation can be important. Expat groups in social media are highly valuable sources for connecting. Socialising in the Ruhr Metropolis can include events, international clubs or heading for a popular spot to meet international residents.