City Topics

The Ruhr Metropolis, Metropole Ruhr, is a conglomeration of cities and regions. Hence corporations and entrepreneurs wishing to relocate and invest in the area have quite a choice of offices to approach to receive economic and trade development support.
Teams of professionals offer advice covering start-up processes including assistance in finding experienced service providers, choosing suitable properties, business premises and offices. Generally, they can also accompany investors through the entire administrative process.
Furthermore, offers of a helping hand while getting to know both international and local business contacts and partnerships can be beneficial. Assistance in building up an important network within the commercial community of the Ruhr region and expansion to international markets can also be important.
Normally, written information is available in numerous languages while staff are able to speak a selection of foreign languages fluently.
The Ruhr possesses an incredible infrastructure of road, rail and river connections as well as a powerful freshwater harbour in Duisburg and international airport in nearby Düsseldorf. France, Luxembourg and the Benelux countries of Belgium or the Netherlands are relatively close.
The vast array of cultural events, leisure activities and many other facilities in Europe’s third largest urban area should not be underestimated.
Besides the regional representation, local economic development, Witschaftsförderung, offices are located in many cities including Bochum, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen, Mülheim an der Ruhr and Oberhausen.
By Vincent Green, Jul 26 2021
Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH
Am Thyssenhaus 1-3
45128 Essen
+49 201 632 4880

The airport in nearby Düsseldorf offers a fresh modern layout and design that is easy to navigate. Whist some airports are massive hubs processing many tens of millions of passengers, Düsseldorf’s is one of those few favourites around the globe where necessary formalities surrounding a flight can normally be surprisingly smooth.

The airport in Düsseldorf is located under thirty kilometres from the centre of Essen. DUS offers the Ruhr Metropolis easy access to many destinations worldwide. Journey times can vary enormously depending on the time of day. Public transport includes ICE or S-Bahn trains to the terminal via a Skytrain connection.
Public Transport
The public transport system in Ruhr is extensive, safe and normally efficient. A dense network of trams, Strassenbahn, above and below ground as well as buses serve the cities and suburbs. Links via the local and S-Bahn train systems interconnect many neighbouring communities.