Going out
Sushi and Asian in Ruhr

Sushi Bars are scattered across many cities in the Ruhr Metropolis, some of which attract a good gathering of regulars. The love of Japanese cuisine has been around for a very long time. The quality of sushi, sashimi and other dishes can vary greatly and the days of thick slices of fish are long gone.
An institution in Hattingen, sushi bar Sticks has been delighting its clientele for decades. Tasty creations are also served in the traditional sushi bar Kyoto in Dortmund. The first sushi bar in Essen, Sushi Haus remains popular over twenty years later. Or try Miga, a stones throw away. Two sushi restaurants in Bochum and Essen run by Best Friends also prove to be popular.
More variations of Asian food are also available in the Ruhr Metropolis. Authenticity of tastes from China, Vietnam, Korea, Thailand or India can often be challenging in Germany in general. That said, lovers of rahmen may enjoy Genki located in Essen.Â
For Vietnamese, try My Dad Made or Jays Essen, both also found in the city of Essen. So too Banana Leaf, where an authentic kitchen can be experienced in an extensive list of dishes from Malaysia and well spiced meals from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, China or Eurasia. An offering of quick lunch specials are available.
Middle Eastern cuisine is found in the Ruhr as well. For instance at Bethlehem Star located in Dortmund. Popular fresh Lebanese such as falafel, shawarma, grilled Halloumi and oriental food are available at Falafel Star in Bochum, while one of so many tasty Turkish options is Miran in Essen.
Further unique options are Chili’s for Asian fusion at the harbour in Duisburg and Mongo’s for Mongolian in Duisburg and Essen.
By Vincent Green, Aug 15 2021

Cycling in the Ruhr Metropolis can be enjoyable and most rewarding. Bike paths criss cross the whole of the region and weave their way across most urban areas. Hop on a bicycle to discover quieter city districts or nearby villages. Try riding along the banks of local rivers, in wilder natural spaces or the open meadows of outlying regions.

Tap water in the Ruhr Metropolis possesses such a high quality that it can be drunk from the tap regularly. Local water is treated and cleaned through an extensive process on its way to the consumer. By then it is highly drinkable and virtually tasteless.
The city guide for expats
Amazing Capitals Ruhr is a fresh and informative location guide full of insights for expats. Dedicated to helping international professionals make choices, settle and participate in the Ruhr Metropolis, the vast powerhouse of the state of North-Rhine Westphalia.