Going out
Breweries in Ruhr

The tradition of brewing beer in Germany reaches back numerous centuries. So too in the Ruhr Metropolis. Beer is interwoven with the culture of the region, which looks back on a long and successful brewing tradition. This aspect is revealed in the Dortmund Brewery Museum with exhibits covering the production process.
Breweries still creating their popular beverage in many locations are justifiably proud of their beer and of the Purity Decree, Reinheitsgebot, from 1516, an early consumer protection initiative. Cynical folk have remarked that this remains perhaps as just one way to protect local brewers from foreign brands.
The law states that no foreign substances may be present. It took aggressive counter initiatives to allow beers to be sold from other countries that do not reach such high standards. The result is traditional beer in the Ruhr being some of the purest and tastiest available.
A couple of breweries serve their own excellent beers in a typically joyous atmosphere in their own premises with a similar appeal to a pub, Ausschank. Take a trip out to try the Dampfe Brauhaus in Borbeck, a district of Essen. The brewery also has a pretty biergarten and numerous street seating. Hövels Hausbrauerei is located in Dortmund. The brewery offers a typical rustic atmosphere and seating outdoors.
Expats can expect to be seated beside perfect strangers, receiving a warm welcome and perhaps making new friends. Many guests in breweries are regular guests, Stammgäste, returning regularly at their favoured time of day. Meals include traditional favourites.
By Vincent Green, Aug 13 2021

It may come as a surprise of newly arrived expats that beaches can be found in the Ruhr Metropolis. Fine sand and shingle are ideal for walking, playing, relaxing and picnicking. People flock to enjoy spaces beside the rivers and lakes, especially on warm and sunny summer days. Photo © Ralph Lueger.

We stand in a foreign culture finding ourselves pointing, gesticulating and hoping to be understood. Many Germans speak at least some English. However, some expats relocating to the Ruhr Metropolis may wish to carry a few basic but helpful words with them for use in awkward moments.
Original language movies are popular among expats living across the Ruhr Metropolis. Films are screened regularly in English original with subtitles, known as OmU and without, portrayed as OV. A wide variety of cinemas or movie theatres can be found, both large and small.