Art Venues
Red Dot Design Museum in Ruhr

If design is an art, then this is a fascinating collection of art. It can be argued that art forms the basis for everything from advertising, architecture to publishing, the web and also design.
Whether eating, playing, driving or working, our lives are determined by products that support, entertain and sometimes even seem useless to humanity. From the design of the television to the package of food, knife and fork or the car, all products represent everyday culture and are examples of a way of life.
The red dot design museum in Essen delivers the world’s biggest design exhibition with insights into high quality design culture. Products from all over the world, which have been decorated with the red dot design award are exhibited in the fascinating ensemble of industrial architecture.
By Anneke Söpper, editedVG, Mar 18 2021
Red Dot Design Museum Essen
Gelsenkirchener Strasse 181
45309 Essen
+49 201 301 0460

It may come as a surprise of newly arrived expats that beaches can be found in the Ruhr Metropolis. Fine sand and shingle are ideal for walking, playing, relaxing and picnicking. People flock to enjoy spaces beside the rivers and lakes. Especially on warm and sunny summer days. Photo © Ralph Lueger.

Art venues and museums across the Ruhr Metropolis regularly present selections of their own fine pieces in well arranged exhibitions. Regular exhibits of fascinating or rare artworks on loan from across the globe attract large numbers of enthusiasts too. Photo © Jochen Schlutius.
Original language movies are popular among expats living across the Ruhr Metropolis. Films are screened regularly in English original with subtitles, known as OmU and without, portrayed as OV. A wide variety of cinemas or movie theatres can be found, both large and small.