Art Venues
Art Museum Mülheim in Ruhr

Reaching back to nineteen hundred and nine, the museum of art in Mühlheim, Kunstmuseum Mülheim an der Ruhr, exhibits expressionistic paintings and international graphics.
The collection of the institution was rehoused in the impressive and listed building of the old post office, Alte Post, located in the town centre next to the so-called media house, Medienhaus.
The famous collection containing fascinating etchings and lithographs of the Berlin sketcher Heinrich Zille was donated by Karl Themel. A second donation by Karl and Maria Ziegler presents impressive expressionist paintings on canvas and paper.
By Anneke Söpper, edited VG, Mar 14 2021
Kunstmuseum Mülheim
Synagogenplatz 1
45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr
+49 208 455 4171

Art venues and museums across the Ruhr Metropolis regularly present selections of their own fine pieces in well arranged exhibitions. Regular exhibits of fascinating or rare artworks on loan from across the globe attract large numbers of enthusiasts too. Photo © Jochen Schlutius.

Original language movies are popular among expats living across the Ruhr Metropolis. Films are screened regularly in English original with subtitles, known as OmU and without, portrayed as OV. A wide variety of cinemas or movie theatres can be found, both large and small.
Public Transport
The public transport system in Ruhr is extensive, safe and normally efficient. A dense network of trams, Strassenbahn, above and below ground as well as buses serve the cities and suburbs. Links via the local and S-Bahn train systems interconnect many neighbouring communities.