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Landscape Park in Ruhr

Industry and bright flowers
© Landschaftspark / Thomas Berns

Not a museum in the traditional sense, the Landschaftspark Duisburg Nord does, however, reveal a legacy of a century of the hardest graft imaginable. It is here that iron and coal were transformed into usable metals in hot and unhealthy conditions to support the industrialisation of Germany.

Nowadays the vast arena has been transformed into a vast, outstanding park full of variety and much to offer visitors. Industrial landscapes intermingle with large, interwoven areas of vegetation.

Various trails reveal how intricately the past is intertwined with the present, how disused furnaces and buildings sit well alongside gardens, meadows and waters. Nature has return to reclaim its terrain from the industrial period.

Recreational activities are available for the whole family including dogs and even include diving.

By Vincent Green, Mar 22 2021

Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord

Emscherstrasse 71
47137 Duisburg

+49 203 712 808 00

Cyclist on narrow modern bridge


Cycling in the Ruhr Metropolis can be enjoyable and most rewarding. Bike paths criss cross the whole of the region and weave their way across most urban areas. Hop on a bicycle to discover quieter city districts or nearby villages. Try riding along the banks of local rivers, in wilder natural spaces or the open meadows of outlying regions.

Written text on paper


We stand in a foreign culture finding ourselves pointing, gesticulating and hoping to be understood. Germans generally speak some English. That said, expats relocating to the Ruhr Metropolis may wish to carry a few basic but helpful words with them for use during awkward moments.

Socialising in the Ruhr

Staying in touch and getting together with others living in a similar situation can be important. Expat groups in social media are highly valuable sources for connecting. Socialising in the Ruhr Metropolis can include events, international clubs or heading for a popular spot to meet international residents.