Health & Wellbeing

The medical profession in Germany is unique. As opposed to some countries where help can often be found in larger medical centres and specialists in hospitals, specialised doctors are mostly in their own practice or small partnerships.
Having an ailment treated in the Ruhr Metropolis can therefore become quite a task. A general practitioner, Allgemeinarz, normally treats most minor illnesses then refer patients to the relevant specialist when deemed necessary.
Doctors that focus on children, Kinderarzt, ear nose and throat, Hals- Nasen- und Ohrenarzt, ophthalmology, Augenarzt, gynaecology, Frauenarzt, and so on, can also be found.
Search for a particular practitioner in the Ruhr region by selecting the specification of doctor in the Arztsuche of the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Nordrhein. Insurance companies can suggest names in a particular location but not give recommendations.
By Vincent Green, Jul 2 2021
Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Nordrhein
Tersteegenstrasse 9
40474 Düsseldorf
+49 211 597 00

A great way to get to know the Ruhr Metropolis is to take inspiring and rewarding walks. Whether in urban or rural landscapes, take a pause, interact and allow details to become noticeable. Admiring quaint architecture, strolling side streets, the riverbanks or numerous woodlands brings joy to the soul.

The service environment in Germany is extremely different to that in, say, the US or the UK. Customer experience is defined both by a mix of personal attitudes and the ability to interact with others. Also a result of social tradition and a few decades of history.
The Events Overview
From stunning light shows to funfairs, Christmas markets to marathons, jazz to reggae music gigs and long standing festivals, living in the Ruhr offers many great reasons to celebrate. Virtually any excuse creates an opportunity for street activities where a kaleidoscope of events take place every year. Photo Ruhr Tourismus / Eckhard Spengler.