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When moving to a new home in the Ruhr Metropolis, regulations need to be followed. Germany has rules for everything and, as they themselves say, if it isn’t regulated then it’s not permitted. That said, it is also well known that the exceptions to the rules are in good supply too. A few other insights, information and knowledge may serve to make the transition smoother during relocation.

German folk are as unique as any nationality. Society and Folk reflects upon the host country and gives hints about customs and habits. Service and tipping or behaviours such as nudity and jaywalking to help enable understanding. Getting around in the city is as important as is knowing more about the chosen location of the Ruhr and its topics. 

Knowing where to find others in a similar situation may be important when socialising as well as discovering what is going on throughout the year in the city. Pets often accompany humans on a move, so the do’s and don’t apply for them too. Movie lovers wish to know where, when and which films are screening in original English.  Then, of course, discovering the most enjoyable places to drink coffee and to go out in general rank high on the list of things to do for expats in the Ruhr Metropolis.

The eBook for expats in Düsseldorf is a concise document to download and take with you. Many insights are relevant for local expats in the Ruhr too.

The publisher of Amazing Capitals Ruhr wishes you well and a thoroughly enjoyable stay.

By Vincent Green, Jul 8 2021

Cyclist on narrow modern bridge


Cycling in the Ruhr Metropolis can be enjoyable and most rewarding. Bike paths criss cross the whole of the region and weave their way across most urban areas. Hop on a bicycle to discover quieter city districts or nearby villages. Try riding along the banks of local rivers, in wilder natural spaces or the open meadows of outlying regions.


Many open spaces entice hikers into the surrounding countryside. Try heading out to wonderful hillsides and woodlands or reclaimed industrial areas. The Ruhr region also offers pathways and trail around impressive lakes or former important waterways.




Following relocation, highly educated
expats experience obstacles.
Beyond language, awareness of cultural
norms in the Ruhr Metropolis are key
to infusion in the local environment.
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