
Germany was an early adopter of organic lifestyle choices many, many decades ago. The movement was treated with much distain and sometimes contempt, while the scepticism aimed at people wearing Birkenstock shoes was legendary.
The rest is history, with organic campaigns thriving, picking up pace and, thankfully, produce becoming readily available today in numerous outlets. Alongside established supermarket giants or small traditional organic store chains, organic supermarkets have spread across the Ruhr Metropolis.
Organic stores have been located in the region for a long time. Numerous small health food shops are located in neighbourhood streets across cities and towns of Ruhr. New brands have more recently established themselves. Organic supermarkets now offer a fresher shopping experience with modern and light designs.
Many provide a wide selection of vegetarian and an ever increasing range of nourishing options for sustaining a well balanced vegan approach to life.
Numerous exclusively organic stores and organic supermarkets are available for expats to shop in the Ruhr Metropolis. Options include Alnatura, Basic, Reformhaus, Super Bio Markt, Denns Biomarkt and dedicated independents such as the Pro Bio Markt stores in Duisburg, Oberhausen and Bochum.
Personal options
A visit to local farms and orchards is also possible. For instance, Apfelparadies offers their own fruit and vegetables at the Margaretenhof in Moers. Meanwhile the seven hundred year old farm Klosterberghof raises livestock outdoors and welcomes visitors to interact and stroke their animals. Those who enjoy eating meat can purchase organic pork and beef directly.
Another delightful option is available to local expats. Groceries are sourced locally and delivered fresh for the busiest amongst us. Contact Bauerntüte online in German or over the phone in English.
By Vincent Green, Jul 6 2021

Tap water in the Ruhr Metropolis possesses such a high quality that it can be drunk from the tap regularly. Local water is treated and cleaned through an extensive process on its way to the consumer. By then it is highly drinkable and virtually tasteless.

Cycling in the Ruhr Metropolis can be enjoyable and most rewarding. Bike paths criss cross the whole of the region and weave their way across most urban areas. Hop on a bicycle to discover quieter city districts or nearby villages. Try riding along the banks of local rivers, in wilder natural spaces or the open meadows of outlying regions.
Socialising in the Ruhr
Staying in touch and getting together with others living in a similar situation can be important. Expat groups in social media are highly valuable sources for connecting. Socialising in the Ruhr Metropolis can include events, international clubs or heading for a popular spot to meet international residents.