Most consumers follow the call of one stop shopping in supermarkets. They value the ease of parking, time saved, convenience and perhaps better value for money. However, the alternative of buying fresher produce on an open air market stand is alive and kicking all across the Ruhr Metropolis for those consumers that enjoy such an alternative.
The atmosphere on a sunny morning, the possibility of smelling and hand picking fruit or vegetables, perhaps accompanied by a little banter is why the tradition lives on. The ability to interact with others, chat a little or just exchange a smile with cocky and pleasant vendors in the calm world of an open air market is a great experience.
The final step in a chain of events that starts with a farmer or producer, via wholesale markets and onto vendor’s stalls can bring higher nourishment values. Some vendors are also local producers or farmers.
Markets can be found centrally at numerous locations across the cities and towns and in many neighbourhoods. Normally held on a specific day of the week, often Wednesdays. The demand for good quality or organic produce such as fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and poultry, fish or herbs are most likely to be fulfilled here. A variety of flowers and potted plants can often also be purchased.